Rhode Island Row & WPGC 95.5 Holiday Coat Drive

Service is an integral part to a community. It takes a community to support your business. Giving back to your community not only directly benefits your customers, but also helps foster brand ambassadors. Since 2014, Rhode Island Row has hosted a signature holiday event and clothing drive, in partnership with WPGC 95.5. Coats were collected through the day on Saturday and were immediately distributed to the homeless and impoverish veteran population in DC, within 72 hours. 


The coats were distributed the following Wednesday at Safeway Feast of Sharing, hosted by the Salvation Army National Capital




  • Create a signature event during the holiday season to create good will among the Brentwood community
  • Strategically partner with local organizations to positively contribute to the neighborhood, such as  Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church and WPGC 95.5, The Salvation Army Nations Capital 
  • Secure special guest to support the cause, such as radio and television personality Big Tigger 
  • Maximize digital strategy and exposure to support overall mission, promote the community drive, and support the property goals 

